Homework/Quizzes/Tests/ Expectations

The following explains the homework, quizzes, and test requirements your child needs to know to be successful in 5th grade English.

Binders- I requested a binder for my class with 5-tab dividers. This binder is divided into Notes, Homework, History, Writing, and Clean Paper.  

Binder Description Notes- Notes from Class Instruction Homework- Students will be given a homework menu to keep behind this tab. This menu will be used to complete the homework, each week, for the entire school year. Students will be given a new list of words each Friday after the weekly spelling test. Be advised, there will be weeks when homework will not be required. I will notify you through email when this happens. History- Study Guide for the History unit that we are currently studying. Writing- Writing prompt required for the week (Beginning 2nd half of the semester).

Homework: My goal for our students is to prepare him/her for the demands of middle and high school learning. Therefore, we are going to focus A LOT on organization and responsibility for your child’s own homework requirements.

If students do not have their homework assignments required for class, he or she must write a note explaining why the homework was not completed and turn it in with the rest of the class. If the homework is missed because of an excused absence, students will have 5 class days to make-up the assignment. If the assignment is not turned in before the end of the 5-day period, the student will receive a "0".

Spelling/Vocabulary- Spelling focus will concentrate on the spelling of commonly used words, as well as the study of root words, affixes, homophones, and Latin and Greek word meanings.

A new Spelling/Vocabulary list will be given to the students each Friday, following the Friday test, for the upcoming week. This packet is intended to provide the students with Spelling/Vocabulary practice each night.

Since I will be giving students a new homework packet every Friday following their test, students will be required to take the tests and turn in the homework packet each Friday, regardless of an absent during the test week. If your child received a test packet, but is absent on a test Friday, he or she will be required to make-up the test the following school day during his/her encore time, and turn-in the homework packet for the week. A new homework packet will be given the same day.

Quizzes- Quizzes for my class will be unannounced and will serve as a guide to your child's progress and overall learning. Successful completion of these quizzes will ensure that your child is prepared to move on to our next learning objective or pin-point areas in which further review is required. Please ensure that your child is keeping-up with all homework assignments and is adequately prepared for class on a daily basis.

Test Requirements- I have found it beneficial to constantly review the information my students have learned from day 1 throughout the year.  Therefore, tests will be cumulative after each unit. For this reason, there will be questions from all previously learned material on each announced test.

Test Days- Spelling/Vocabulary Tests will be given every Friday and Reading Tests  will be given at the end of each instructional unit. I will send home notification of Reading Test as needed. It is estimated Reading Tests will be given within 10-12 days of one another.

If we are out of school on a Friday or a reading test date due to a holiday or school cancellation, the test will take place on the day we return.

Again, if you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. You can either email me at [email protected] or by calling the school at 276-926-6088 and leaving a message. I will return your call during my planning time of 10:50-11:35 a.m.